Sunday, July 13, 2008

It is amazing to me that so many people are so politically uninformed. I will admit that I voted for George W. Bush in 2000. In my defense, let me say that I was 21 years old. I was a young newlywed with a husband who was in the Navy. I was a full time college student, with no worries about health insurance, no impending wars, etc. I think that children are raised with their parent's political views, just as religion or traditions. My parents are not strictly Republican, in fact I can remember my Dad telling me as a child that you were supposed to vote for the best man for the job. Now when I am a mom I will tell my children that you vote for the best person for the job. I know some people in my life will be thinking "how can she be supporting Barack Obama?" Here is how that happened. I know that I have been in the position where I lost my job and my only hope for health insurance was $600 a month COBRA coverage. Pretty steep with no job, right? I also know that I was raised in a household and a church where I was taught not to judge. I really don't care what other people do in their life. To me abortion, gay marriage, etc. are a non issue for me as far as politics are concerned. I know what I would do in my own life and that is all I can be responsible for. What this all boils down to is that I would hope that everyone will vote this November, but only after learning where the candidates stand on each and every issue and then deciding who will do the best job for them. That is my little rant for today.


Darrel Girardier said...

Oh my gosh. You have a blog. That so awesome.

Darrel Girardier said...

Sorry, that was me Darrel commenting some reason it didn't leave my name.