Sunday, July 20, 2008

Big Changes

Dylan's restaurant opened yesterday and the numbers were pretty good, considering there was no advertising and no sign (the Millbrook) sign committee does not meet until the end of the month to approve the sign. Last night was my last night working at Brothers. I will miss the people, but I need to focus on Dylan's restaurant. We will be moving from Beacon to Millbrook soon. I am excited about the move, but I don't know anyone there. I will continue commuting to Beacon to work at TIGA. I really feel that for this restaurant to be a success we need to be a part of the community. The town of Millbrook is great and the new place has so much more room, so if anyone is looking to take a vacation, please let me know. I love having company. Plan your vacation for the fall because the foliage is amazing. There are three wineries within 10 minutes of Millbrook, so it could be quite the vacation. Please continue to keep us in your prayers. This is a wonderful opportunity for people to truly realize how talented Dylan is, of course I already know that.

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